28 April 2007

Bill Moyers talking with Jon Stewart

I missed the broadcast, unfortunately, but the transcript has some nuggets:

So, they have a really delicate balance to walk between keeping us relatively fearful, but not so fearful that we stop what we're doing and really examine how it is that they've been waging this.

...you've seen what happens when one of us ends up at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, it doesn't end well.

You know, I think this is gonna sound incredibly pat, but I think you lose your innocence when you have kids, because the world suddenly becomes a much more dangerous place. And you become much more — there are two things that happen. You recognize how fragile individuals are, and you recognize the strength of the general overall group, but you don't care anymore. You're just fighting for the one thing. See and then, you also recognize that everybody, then, is also somebody's child.

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