27 September 2007

Kyl-Lieberman letter to my senators

Senator [Martinez|Nelson]:

I am deeply, *deeply* disappointed in your vote for the Kyl-Lieberman bill.

I do not support any resolution which brings us closer to attacking or invading Iran.

The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan had some dubious merit: we have yet to finish the job there, and the Taliban are returning.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq has turned into a disaster, both for us and especially for the Iraqi people, General Petraeus' wishful thinking notwithstanding.

An attack or invasion of Iran would just make things even worse.

Your actions contribute to the further erosion of all that is good about this nation, and I hope someday you come to see the folly of your ways.

Needless to say, you've lost my vote.

Your constituent,
Richard Albury

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